
The main goal that empowers this league with great success year after year is the idea of playing time. To accomplish this fundamental goal, teams are kept relatively small so that all members of the team can showcase and build upon their skills. Coaches of the individual teams do an excellent job of keeping games competitive but at the same time allowing all of their players to have an opportunity to grow their game. Players always come back year after year telling me how much they have improved because of their time at TCL.

All games are overseen by experienced referees who control the environment on the court. This is one area that Tri-County League separates itself from other local leagues. Many off-season basketball leagues are merely pickup games that are taken lightly. At TCL, we want to provide our athletes with game like situations therefore we need to enforce the rules of the court so players can develop their game in accordance with the rules.

Rules & Regulations

The regular season will consist of 8 games, all teams are guaranteed the 9th game in the first round of the playoffs. The Tri-County League will provide an employee for the clock and official book at each court.

  • Two 20 minute running halves until the last minute of each half

  • 3rd/4th grade division – NO PRESSING

  • Up 15 points or more, no pressing

  • Two timeouts per half, they do not carry over

  • Overtime will be 2 minutes. Timeouts do not carry over. One per team.

  • A team may begin the game with 4 players.

  • If a team is not present by 10 minutes after the hour the game will be entered as a forfeit.

  • All coaches must carry their own first aid kit team ice and basketballs for warmups.


  • 6 personal fouls to foul out

  • 7 fouls 1-1

  • 10 fouls double bonus

  • Technical Foul 2 shots and the ball

  • Any player or coach ejected from the game will be suspended the following game.

  • Any spectator who is removed from the gym will not be allowed back on the property for the remainder of the season.

  • All free throws are on the release

  • All other rules and regulations will be under PIAA regulations

PLEASE NOTE: All divisions are based on the grade that participants will be enrolled in the Fall of the following school year. For example, if the league takes place in the summer of 2023 and your participant is currently in 6th grade, then they are required to play in the 7th/8th grade division and cannot participate in the 5th/6th grade division.